Daily duty


A summary of your field workers daily activity, as soon they end their shift

Daily Duty Monitor is exactly what it says on the tin. A mobile application workflow configured for a day in the life of your field workers. From capturing passengers’ numbers, to total payments taken, tickets sold, stations worked, or sites visited. As per all our mobile applications, this is an agile and flexible solution allowing you to easily tweak or add anything that you may wish to be captured. 


Once your field worker has completed their duties or finished a shift and submit their Daily Duty Monitor, all information captured is instantly sent to a back-office reporting suite allowing operational staff to quickly provide statistical reports. These can be run over a period of your choosing and is a fantastic mechanism to measure productivity across your mobile workforce. 


Tailor workflows to meet with your field workers daily duties

Real time data to back-office reporting suite

Digitalised solution, removing paper alternatives

Data collected forms your Ticketless Travel measurements


Problems we solve