Case Portal


This additional module is a must have to ensure that your front-line mobile workers can see the benefits and fruits of their labour.

The Case Portal is a module of our Mercury Case Management software bridging your front line to your back-office operators. This enables front line staff to communicate between application and back-office software and the back-office operators, to avoid those long, lonely days of not knowing if your hard work is prospering.

Do you regularly hear your frontline workers complain that they never receive feedback on their enforcement work or similar activities?

How is that case progressing?

Does the process require interaction with them further down the chain?

Our Portal allows this to happen by operators within your back office alerting your front-line workers by way of notification that they need to access the portal for an important update to a case that they instigated. The front-line worker can access this directly front of their mobile device on the fly and action the alert in a matter of seconds.

The two-way communication then alerts the Case Management system via a change of status or a trigger for your back-office operators to process to the next phase of the process. Depending on the nature of your process and the environments that you work within, many of these processes and triggers can be automated directly from the push of a key by your front-line operator within the field. 

Do you want your field workers to have access to personalised data analytics? then our case portal is for you

At any given moment they can access their personalised area and view all cases issued by them, and their progress over any period of time of their choosing when linking to our Power BI & Analytics software  


Personalised Data Analytics

Activity Notifications

Statement Building

Document Upload

Communication Portal with Back-Office Operators


Problems we solve