Case Management

End to end case management


Addressing Challenges with Comprehensive Case Management

The transport industry is grappling with numerous challenges, including the full digitisation of the revenue protection process and managing individual cases. These inefficiencies can lead to delays, miscommunication, and suboptimal decision-making. To overcome these hurdles, the rail industry needs a robust, automated solution to streamline case management processes, enhance data accuracy, and improve overall operational efficiency.

Rail operations solutions
ITAL Group's streamlined process for managing rail appeals efficiently.


Providing an end-to-end track case management system

Mercury Case Management by ITAL offers an end-to-end solution designed to address these critical challenges. This powerful software automates case management, facilitates seamless communication between back-office administrators and front-line staff, and provides real-time data analytics.

Mercury Case Management transforms traditional operations into a streamlined, efficient, and data-driven environment with configurable workflows, automated document management, and secure user management. This innovative solution ensures that all case-related activities are managed effectively, thereby improving productivity and decision-making.

Automated Processes

Save time and increase efficiency with automated workflows.

Customisable Solutions

Tailored to meet specific business needs and requirements.

Comprehensive Case Management

Manage multiple case types and processes in one unified system.

Real-Time Data Insights

Utilise a rich data-led reporting suite for enhanced decision-making.

Personalised and Analytical Portals

Access personalised documentation and updates, along with powerful analytics via Power BI.

Personalised and Seamless Communication Portals

Enable two-way communication between administrators and front-line staff with complete transparency.


Streamlined Efficiency with Mercury Case Management

The Mercury Case Management system is designed to revolutionise how your organisation handles case management. This system ensures optimal performance and decision-making by automating processes, enhancing communication, and providing powerful data analytics. Discover the key features that make Mercury Case Management an indispensable tool for your business.

Configurable Workflows

Automate end-to-end case management with customisable workflows and trigger points

Automated Court Management

Integrate court packs directly into the Magistrates Court Case Management Database with seamless two-way communication

Court Documentation Management

Centralise court bookings, documents, and schedules in one place, and efficiently manage warrants and adjournments

Bulk Management Facility

Reduce manual processing time with bulk management tools designed for efficiency

Advanced Data Analytics

Leverage Power BI reporting for in-depth analysis of productivity and financial activity, with drill-down capabilities for detailed insights

Comprehensive Document Management

Create, manage, and audit all case-related documentation within the system, ensuring control and flexibility with HTML and data tag templates

These features collectively streamline your case management processes, enhance communication, and provide actionable insights, making Mercury Case Management a powerful solution for modernising your operations


Explore Enforcement &
Revenue Protection Solutions

ITAL offers a suite of advanced solutions designed to address the unique challenges of the transport industry. Minimising fare evasion to enhancing data accuracy, our innovative tools streamline operations and maximise revenue, providing a seamless and effective approach to Enforcement and Revenue Protection