Revenue Protection App

Realtime Transport Revenue Enforcement

Streamlined processes for revenue collection using ITAL Group's mobile app.
Efficient mobile solutions for protecting rail revenue with ITAL Group.
Enhanced fare collection systems through ITAL Group's revenue protection app.

Current Challenges in the UK Transport Industry

Overcoming Traditional Transport Enforcement Challenges

The UK transport industry faces significant challenges with its traditional, paper-based systems for managing enforcement issues. These outdated methods lead to inefficiencies, such as time-consuming manual data entry and increased potential for errors.  In a rapidly evolving environment, the need for modernisation is more urgent than ever. As the industry strives to keep up with technological advancements and increasing customer expectations, maintaining outdated practices can hinder progress and innovation​.

The industry faces financial pressures and changes in travel patterns. The industry has had to adapt quickly to new circumstances, highlighting the inadequacies of existing manual processes.

Introducing ITAL’s Enforcement App

Revolutionising Enforcement Management

ITAL’s Enforcement App offers a comprehensive digital solution designed to address the inefficiencies of traditional enforcement management systems. This mobile application enables real-time reporting, tracking, and resolution of incidents, ensuring all relevant information is captured accurately and promptly. By digitising the enforcement process, ITAL’s app significantly enhances operational efficiency and reduces the administrative burden on staff.

The app integrates seamlessly with existing back-end systems, providing a unified platform for managing enforcement issues from initial reporting through to resolution. This integration ensures that updates are communicated quickly and efficiently, enabling faster response times and reducing the impact of disruptions on passengers and operations. The result is a more streamlined, effective approach to enforcement management, benefiting both staff and passengers.

Mobile app designed to enhance revenue protection in rail operations by ITAL Group.
User-friendly interface of ITAL Group's Rail Revenue Protection App.

Features and Benefits of ITAL’s Revenue Protection App

Streamlining Enforcement Operations

ITAL’s Enforcement App provides a range of features designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of rail enforcement management. The app’s key features and benefits include:

Real-Time Reporting

Capture and report incidents as they happen, ensuring timely and accurate information.

Integrated System

Seamlessly connect front-end reporting with back-end management, creating a unified enforcement process.

Accurate Data Entry

Digital input reduces errors, improving the accuracy and reliability of data.

Quick Response

Immediate notifications and updates enable faster, more efficient responses to incidents.

Mobile Access

The app is accessible on tablets and smartphones, providing convenience and flexibility for staff.

Streamlined Operations

By reducing manual workload and integrating processes, the app improves overall operational efficiency and service reliability.

Enhancing Rail Enforcement with Digital Solutions

Real-time information, and tools for your frontline staff

ITAL’s Enforcement App offers a range of features designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of rail operations management. Key features and benefits include:


To capture a multitude of offences, using enriched shared intelligence data across our Client Portfolio, to assist with the decision-making process.

Daily Duty Monitors

Capturing a day in the life of an Enforcement Officer.


Capture and record data in the field, from disruption information to graffiti or trespassing, for analysis and decision-making purposes.

Daily Shift Sheet

A summary of all cases issued during the shift.


A safeguarding tool to ensure your field workers have arrived where and when you expect.


Transform your Enforcement Management

ITAL’s Enforcement App offers a powerful solution to the challenges of managing enforcement issues in the UK transport industry. By transitioning to a digital platform, rail operators can improve operational efficiency, reduce delays, and enhance both staff and passenger experiences. This comprehensive solution ensures that all enforcement-related information is accurate, up-to-date, and easily accessible, transforming the way enforcement issues are managed.

Enhance your transport operations with ITAL’s innovative solution. Improve efficiency, ensure accuracy, and deliver better service with ITAL’s Enforcement App.


Explore Enforcement &
Revenue Protection Solutions

ITAL offers a suite of advanced solutions designed to address the unique challenges of the transport industry. Minimising fare evasion to enhancing data accuracy, our innovative tools streamline operations and maximise revenue, providing a seamless and effective approach to Enforcement and Revenue Protection.